Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years in the Hospital

I knew that we were going to have a New Year's Eve filled with sickness.  What I didn't know is that our precious Myla would start to have breathing trouble which would land us in the Children's Hospital.  As we were heading to the emergency room, I knew that I was going to be spending the night.  The girls had even packed me a small bag just in case.
After three hours in the E.R., we were told that she wasn't stable enough to go home.  We settled into a room where after a breathing treatment, Myla was able to get some much needed rest.  However, I just laid on a "bed" or should  I say a torture board.  Of course, it was a miserable night.  Every time that someone came into the room the door would bang into the "bed" I was trying desperately to sleep on.  I decided that the Lord had different plans for bringing in my new year.  Instead of sleeping, I prayed and read my Bible.
I prayed over my precious Myla.  I prayed for healing.  I prayed for our future together.  It was  rich time for me...a time of deep bonding with my little princess.  She is such a sweet, little girl.  Even in her sickness, she has had such a wonderful spirit.  It is a spirit that makes you love her more.  A spirit that leaves me longing to provide the very best for her. 
I also had the Lord speak to me about my new year.  In the course of this sickness, I have been battling with my role in life.  I have struggled with myself.  Being stuck in the house for such a long time has taken its toll on my spirit.  There have been times that the walls have started to breath.  I long to sit my bones in the sun, but it isn't the season for such a treat.  With the longing for the sun, comes a deep longing to achieve the approval of other. 
Sitting in the hospital, I was able to hear the Lord and soak up his words.  In the year 2013, the
Lord desires me to fix my eyes on my Savior.  He longs for me to focus on my beauties.  Christ told me to deepen my relationship with my sweetheart, Bryan.  All of the other thoughts have just been distraction.
Here are the scriptures the Lord gave me to bring in the new year:


Hebrews 12:1-2

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,  fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.


Romans 12:1-2

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


Titus 2:3-5

 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.


Proverbs 14:1

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.


Miss Myla improved enough for us to make it home this evening.  Please pray for healing.

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1 comment:

  1. I am glad that Miss Myla is getting better! We will continue to pray for healing for all of you!
