Monday, March 18, 2013

Sickness, Anger, and War

My Dear Friends,
I have been silent due to the fact that the sickness  I had rocked my world.  I am still not 100%, but I am trying to get back my life.  The illness that plagued me brought forth pain that I can’t remember having before.  It took its toll on my everyday life.  If it wasn’t for my sweet, older children and my loving husband, I would have had to call in outside reinforcements.  As always, they pulled their weight and helped me keep from drowning. 
In my state of sickness, I also had a week of anger.  Yes, anger!  The enemy is real.  The lion is pacing back and forth waiting to devour the King’s children.  The king of lies has been working overtime to destroy churches, marriages, and friendships.  This reality makes me angry at times!  Why does it seem that Satan is winning so much?
We have had friends fired from their church positions out of the blue leaving a part of Christ's body in suffering.  I have witnessed the devastation that couples experience when one is swayed to look outside of the act of marriage to gain self-fulfillment.  My anger flared up as I saw more fingerprints of Satan; however, just when I think I am going to drown in the deep in the Lord shines through as I experience friendship strengthened when friends handle things as the Lord instructs. 
We all need to stand stronger on the Word of the Lord.  We all need to be prepared to do the right things even though they appear harder for in the end the Lord’s ways are the only ways to live a life of peace.  We can’t allow the fingerprints of Satan to be the only evidence of a battle. 
We need to sharpen our swords, shine our armor, and prepare our shields. 
We need to do our part!! 
It is time to turn my anger at satan into motivation to win the war. 
In my time of recovery, I also missed sharing some sweet times in my children’s lives.  I will be posting them soon so that someday my kiddos can look back and remember their days of old.
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