Sunday, October 14, 2012


Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!!

This is Michele ~Mama Bard guest posting for Gretchen and the Elliott Gang. We did not want you all to sit in anguish longing to see this precious one. Gretchen will give you her mama's heart version when she is able.

Until then, here is the scoop:

On October 10th, a sweet little one was born.

Weighing in at 6 pounds and 13 oz  and 18.5 inches of sweetness! Grab your tissues, she will squeeze your heart and is breath taking!

Here she is in all her sweetness....Myla Haven Marie Elliott

She is doing wonderfully, and all the family is rejoicing the Lord.  Mama and Dad are madly in love...

Gret, has lots of beautiful stories..and funny stories from the kiddos reactions. Be sure to follow along as the journey unfolds.

Please praise Him for his blessing and goodness that He alone has orchestrated.

Please continue to pray for the Elliott Gang. Please pray for their precious birth mama that they love so much.

They are so thankful for all of your prayers and support throughout this journey.

Is you would like to know you can jump into the journey and bless this sweet one. Here are some options!
They could use coupons for Similac (more details tbd)
We have been working on showering with the diapers and wipes :)
Finally, they have fees outstanding that you can always join with them, each gift is tax deductible

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