Bryan and I are completely blessed to have a loving relationship with our little ones Birth Mother. She is a really sweet lady who has found a place in our hearts forever.
We were able to meet with our Birth Mother four times during our stay at the hospital. She is a very kind, loving and thoughtful person. Here are a few of the blessing that she gave to us those few precious days while we all were at the hospital. They are blessings that not all families who adopt have the privilege of getting:
1. She gave me the band to have complete access to our daughter.
2. She left the name on the birth certificate blank. What does that mean? Most children will get a name from their birth parents. Once the adoption is final, the adoptive families will have the name changed. Not so with our little one. She is Myla Haven Marie Elliott and always will be. Blessing!! We were even able to put our last name on the certificate.
3. She allowed us to meet Myla's Birth Grandma, Uncle, and Sister. It was a time of love and peace for all of us. We closed this meeting in a time of prayer as we all circled around the baby in prayer. Blessing!!
4. Our dear Birth Mother signed the placement papers at 72 hours. This was a very significant time for us all! Blessing!!
5. After she signed the papers, we placed the baby in the nursery and went to say good bye to our Birth Mother. It was a blessing to share those special moments with her. We shared many hugs and tears as we said our good byes. We will forever cherish this women. We will forever pray for her. We will forever love that she gave her child life and then so lovingly placed her into our hearts forever. Blessing!!
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