Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Joys of Motherhood

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. 
Oh, the joys of motherhood. I started the day with fatigue...not a great way to start the day. 
My little man has been battling a horrible case of poison ivy.  For four nights in a row, he has been up asking to take a bath in the wee hours of the night while crying, "Mommy, I am tired of all of these "bugs". 
Around 2:00 in the afternoon, I was trying desperately to gain control  of my day by  preparing for my Hubby's return home as well as dinner.  My body was feeling the affects of my sleepless nights when I hear a noise at the door.  I glanced out and gasped at the sight.
My exact words at the situation was, "Really?  Really?  You have got to be kidding me?"
Just as I was about to ask how our  dog found mud and rolled in it, the anwer was found at our step.
My dear Libby was playing with the neighbor girls when they decided to play in the mud at the creek.  Of course, the dog just had to play along.  It isn't enough to have to clean her and her clothes, but now I would have to clean the dog.  I again found myself uttering the words...REALLY?
I have a whole bunch of laundry, four dozen ears of corn to freeze, beds to put clean sheets on, and supper to prepare.  Why?
I was standing at a crossroad.  I had a choice to make.  I could show my complete frustration or share in the fun.  It was then that the Lord helped me smile.  He opened my eyes to the lesson he had for us both. Smiling, I looked at my daughter and said, "Libby, you had a wonderful adventure so it is your job to clean it up. Go get the bucket, hose, and soap and clean the dog."
As I sat watching the project of dog washing, I was reminded that these are the very things in motherhood that I don't want to miss.  These are the moments that the kids will remember when they are older and on their own.  These are things that I want to share with all my kids even the ones yet to be placed into my heart.  These are the true joys of motherhood, but only if I allow them to be.  Help me, Lord, to win more battles instead of walking in defeat.

"The process of shaping the child...shapes also the mother herself.  Reverence for her sacred burden calls her to all that is pure and good, that she may teach primarily by her own humble, daily example."
Elizabeth Elliot

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