Wednesday, June 6, 2012

His Ways

My Dear Friends,
     After sending out 165 support  letters and only receiving two gifts to our Adopt Together Fund (, I will have to say I have had times of complete panic.    We know that if the Lord desires for us to love on a little one He will provide.  It is just totally overwhelming at times.  It is difficult to be patience and wait upon the Lord.  In my times of fear, I have cried out to Him to show us His will.  I have begged the Lord to help us with this financial burden.  It was during one of these prayers that I felt Him say, "My ways are higher than your ways."  To be totally honest, I wasn't sure if that was a scripture or something we just say as believers.  I ran to my Bible and found the words in  Isaiah 55:8:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. 
It wasn't to long after I heard the Lord that I was able to witness the powerful work of the Lord through this sunset.  I ran into the house, retrieved my camera, and took the pictures.   (Yes, Ohio can  have a beautiful sunset.)  It helped me to remember that He created all things.  He created this gorgeous sun. He created  you and me.  He even created the child that one day will be placed in our hearts.  He is bigger than the lack of money. 
Pray with me, my friends, that I will cling to the Father in my times of uncertainty!  Pray that I will remember that the LORD's ways are higher than ours.  

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