Wednesday, June 13, 2012

For the Love of His Brother

I was going to write about adoption in this post, but I just had to share a "mommy moment" with you.  It was one of those moments that makes motherhood a joy.
It all started with Caleb, my athletic, manly man.  There is nothing wimpy about this boy.

Caleb had a little cut on his leg that was just barely bleeding.  Drew was horrified when he noticed it and ran down the hallway and into the bathroom yelling, "Taleb, don't worry.  I will get you a band aid." 
I became distracted with my morning chores and totally forgot about the cut or the little medic who went to retrieve the first aid supplies.  I later walked into the kitchen and almost dropped the load of laundry in my arms when I spotted the  upside down Dora band aid stuck to Caleb's leg. (Yes, I made him take a picture)

After my laughing fit, I regained my composure and asked Caleb why he had the girl's band aid on his sore.  He quickly gave me the don't be stupid look and proclaimed, "Mom, Drew got it for me.  I can't take it off.  It would hurt his feelings if I did." 
The whole day I watched to see if Caleb would try and sneak the band aid off and much to my surprise he left it on.  Why did he risk embarrassment? 

He did it all for the love of his brother.

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