Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Our Team

 I am not sure why, but individuals think they have a right to ask questions and analyze your family once you reach a certain size.   I have seen many eyes bulge out of their sockets once they find out that we not only have many children, but that we also choose to home school them as well.  Once they pick their eyeballs off the floor, the questions will begin.  The most common questions are, "How on earth do you get it all done?  How can you meet every ones needs?"
This one of my favorite times of each day.  I love snuggling with the little ones!
I can answer that question in one simply word-TEAMWORK!
Gracie always watches over her little Sis while I teach the Littles.

My children help out so much.  I am blessed that they care for one another.  They are quick to help out in anyway possible.


Zeke watches over Myla while I grade papers.

 They couldn't do it without me and I couldn't do it without them.

Myla naps with Caleb so I can help Grace with her math.
 We are aren't perfect.  We have our days.  We have our stresses, but we are a team that is playing to win.
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