A little over nine years ago, Bryan and I spent hours writing our family vision. It had such an impact on our family that I decided to create a personal vision for myself. I refer to if often. It helps me focus on the things that the Lord has called me to do...the things that are my purpose for living. At the top of my vision, I placed an excerpt from a book that was written in 1882. We have lost our focus as women.
Please read with me today as I examine one aspect of my vision...calling...heart:
Woman is compared sometimes to the vine, while man is the strong oak to which it clings. But there are different kinds of vines.
Some wreathe a robe of beauty and a crown of glory for the tree, covering it in summer days with green leaves
and in the autumn hanging among its branches rich purple clusters of fruit;
others twine their arms about it only to sap its very life and destroy its vigor, till it stands decaying and unsightly; stripped of its splendor, discrowned and fit only for the fire.
What kind of vine are you?
What kind of Oak have you helped your man to become?
Genesis 2:18
The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”