Soap Lessons

Soap Lessons
It is really weird how a simple little smell can bring forth a flood of emotions, memories, and lessons. While I was in the hospital with Myla, I washed my hands and WHAM it hit me square in the heart. The memories of August 1997 came flooding back.
It was the birth of my dear, sweet Caleb, our second born. He was healthy, strong, and beautiful. More...

Soap Lessons#1

After the shock of my son’s condition started to wear off, I started to question myself and the Lord. Glimpses of uncertainty ruled my brain…uncertainty as to why.
What had I done wrong to cause his defect? Why did the Lord allow my son to be formed in such a manner that he is suffering? Did I eat something wrong, expose myself to something, or did I take a medicine that caused this? Was the Lord punishing me for my sins?

Soap Lessons #2
On the day of Caleb’s surgery, he was placed in the ICU that was right by the surgery wing. If anything went wrong, he could easily be rushed back into surgery. Due to the fact that he had so many machines keeping him alive, he needed the extra space so he received the biggest room on the unit.

Soap Lessons #3
Once you have witnessed the death of sweet, little children while seeing the pain and grief that grips the heart of their parents, you are never the same. Once your own child has brushed the face of death leaving you wondering why you were given a second chance while others are burying their treasures and dreams, you look at life differently. 

Soap Lessons#4
As the understanding of Caleb’s defect began to sink into my brain, I began to make connections between his physical heart and the spiritual heart of myself and many, many others. Caleb was born with no signs of having any physical issues. He looked normal on the outside and had absolutely no heart murmur,

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