Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Teens.  You have to love them.  They bring the crazy back out in a person.  My teenagers always know how to make me laugh.  I love to be with them and share in their life. 

This past weekend we had a young adults party at our house. 
They started it off with volley ball.
Everyone joined in on the fun.
They also loved Octoball.
This was one of the most popular things that they did.
 But the event that made every one's stomach turn was...
The object was to see who could fit and chew the most double bubble.
Basically, we were to find out WHO HAD THE BIGGEST MOUTH.
Cody stuffed 48 into his mouth.
Timmy shoved in 32.
Phil only managed 15.
Skip was able to push in around 35.
Bre was our female winner.  She reached a total of 34.
(I wasn't able to get their final picture or you would be seeing them look like they were going to vomit.)
and Dylan
who tied with a total of 53.  Yes, you read correctly.  They were able to stuff their mouths with 53 Double Bubble GUM and chew it.  Oh...to be a teen again.  You just have to love them.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Update and Prayer

Adoption Update-
We have been working hard to raise the funds needed  for our adoption.  Due to the love and sacrifice of so many of our loved ones, we have reach about $14,000. We have applied to three agencies and three adoption attorneys which will allow us more opportunities to be matched. 
  I would love to have our friends and family praying for us as we start down a new path of waiting for a match. 

Wisdom:  We will need guidance from the Lord.  If we have learned anything so far, it is that adoption is filled with "unknowns".  We only want to walk in his will.        
Financial Support:  This is a journey we just can't walk alone.  The Lord has been speaking to the hearts of his people to lovingly help us.  May he continue to do so. 
Grants:  We have applied to 6 grants.  We received one.  We were denied one.  The rest we have yet to hear from.  Pray that the grants would aid  us in bringing our little one home.       
 Spiritual Protection: We are in a battle with the enemy for heart of a child.  Never in my life have I felt the spiritual evil trying to surround us.  PRAY.                                Peace:  Pray for the peace of the Lord to be our guide so we know when the match is the one made just for us. 


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Joys of Motherhood

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. 
Oh, the joys of motherhood. I started the day with fatigue...not a great way to start the day. 
My little man has been battling a horrible case of poison ivy.  For four nights in a row, he has been up asking to take a bath in the wee hours of the night while crying, "Mommy, I am tired of all of these "bugs". 
Around 2:00 in the afternoon, I was trying desperately to gain control  of my day by  preparing for my Hubby's return home as well as dinner.  My body was feeling the affects of my sleepless nights when I hear a noise at the door.  I glanced out and gasped at the sight.
My exact words at the situation was, "Really?  Really?  You have got to be kidding me?"
Just as I was about to ask how our  dog found mud and rolled in it, the anwer was found at our step.
My dear Libby was playing with the neighbor girls when they decided to play in the mud at the creek.  Of course, the dog just had to play along.  It isn't enough to have to clean her and her clothes, but now I would have to clean the dog.  I again found myself uttering the words...REALLY?
I have a whole bunch of laundry, four dozen ears of corn to freeze, beds to put clean sheets on, and supper to prepare.  Why?
I was standing at a crossroad.  I had a choice to make.  I could show my complete frustration or share in the fun.  It was then that the Lord helped me smile.  He opened my eyes to the lesson he had for us both. Smiling, I looked at my daughter and said, "Libby, you had a wonderful adventure so it is your job to clean it up. Go get the bucket, hose, and soap and clean the dog."
As I sat watching the project of dog washing, I was reminded that these are the very things in motherhood that I don't want to miss.  These are the moments that the kids will remember when they are older and on their own.  These are things that I want to share with all my kids even the ones yet to be placed into my heart.  These are the true joys of motherhood, but only if I allow them to be.  Help me, Lord, to win more battles instead of walking in defeat.

"The process of shaping the child...shapes also the mother herself.  Reverence for her sacred burden calls her to all that is pure and good, that she may teach primarily by her own humble, daily example."
Elizabeth Elliot

Friday, July 20, 2012

Berry Picking Lessons

One of my favorite summer activities to do with my kiddos is berry picking! 

I love to be outside.  I love to be  with my children.  I love FRUIT especially berries.

 I love to have my freezer stocked with frozen berries to eat on through out the winter.   So....it is a perfect combination for this momma. 


 During our picking adventures, I ALWAYS have to wipe down my little ones' faces. 

 When they "help" pick, they go full force into the field to eat.  
They work at it with all their hearts. 
 They are masters at picking and eating.  They love it and have the hands and faces to prove it. 
As they  are picking...eating, I hear  Psalms 34:8  playing in my ears.  It states:
Taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
 As adults, we fail to be like children.  We get so distracted by living,  serving,  parenting,  and ministering that we fail to breath in the aroma of our Savior. We fail to 
He longs to wipe our faces.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Gift

I am convinced that the one greatest gift the Lord has given to me on earth is my spouse.  I am amazed that two people can love each other as much as we do.  He is my treasure. 
This past week was our 20 year anniversary!
What?  We are not that old...are we?

The richness of our relationship is proof that we are indeed that old.  It also shows that in a sin energized world  a marriage can be glorious!

  If the same kids that are in this picture were living in our house today, we wouldn't  have the same blessing-the same gift.  We didn't know to die to self. 

We didn't know that to receive the blessing of a glorious marriage you have to give 100% to your spouse.  We have learned that each of us giving 50/50 doesn't cut it. 

 We have also witnessed that having to many girlfriends/guyfriends or spending to much time on facebook acquiring more "friends" leaves gaps that sin will sneak into. 
We have learned that this gift of marriage can be the best thing on earth, but it is a gift you have to fight for.
If you long to have a whole relationship, you have to beat Satan at his game. 
 Cling to each other. 
 Cling to the ways of the Lord.

The Lords ways are a gift.  Treasure them.

Monday, July 9, 2012


I will have to be totally honest with you.  About three weeks ago, Bryan and I felt that we wouldn't be able to adopt.  We had emotionally given up due to the fact that we didn't  believe we would be able to get the finances it took to bring a little one home. 
Remembering my sunset moment that allowed me to know that HIS WAYS ARE HIGHER THAN MINE, we began to pray even harder. 

Then out of the blue, an amazing couple stepped up and blew us out of the water.  I have been overwhelmed with their sacrifice, love, support and encouragement.  I can honestly say that in all our years in ministry we have never seen anyone make such a sacrifice. 

This couple desires to adopt as well.  This couple needs money as much as we do.  This family doesn't walk around with extra money to hand out and yet they told us that the Lord instructed them to give to us. 
I have asked myself this question over and over again.  Why? 
These people are just plum crazy. 
Crazy for the Lord.
Crazy to serve. 
Crazy to be a light. 
Crazy about giving these children a home.
Crazy for an AWESOME, CRAZY GOD.
I am overwhelmed by the crazy.
Because of their example, I have a desire to be crazy too.
  Will you join us?


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Be Free

My dear husband has always been a strong man of God, but there are times when it is eerie how dead on he is to work the Lord is doing in my heart.  It was shortly before we started our home study and made the first financial step of our adoption that he came to me with a prophetic question. 

He gazed out of our window much like he is in the picture above while I sat on the rocker.   He asked in a simple, quiet tone,"Are you ready for this?  I don't mean ready for a new baby...a new child, but are you really ready for the Lord to work on your heart.  He wants  more of you than you have ever given before."

After a moment of silence, I confirmed that I was indeed prepared for anything the Lord had for me.  But was I?  I will have to admit the answer is no!  No, FATHER, I am not ready for the twisting of the wet clay as you make me into what you desire!  No, Father, I am not ready to die to myself even more. 
Ready?  No way. 
Willing?  You bet. 
Fighting the process as he works, molds, and prepares me for the task ahead?  Absolutely.

What does the adoption have to do with the changing of my heart?  I have no clue.  All I know is that I was sitting on the dock of life living my life thinking that I had surrendered all I had to the Lord, my husband, my children, my family, and my church.  I have come to realize that I had issues hidden deep with in my soul that he longs for me to deal with.  I have insecurities that I have allowed to rule my life.  I have been stumbling through life fearing man more than fearing the Savior.  I live my life afraid that I will fail someone...anyone.

It is his heart's desire for me to fly...for me to be free to be who he called me to be.  He longs for me to fear nothing, but him.

Lord, help me to soar.
Father, hold me as I cling to you. 
Savior, guide me as I face the uncertainty of adopting a child into my heart, soul, and life. 

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM.  And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's GLORY, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing GLORY, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:17-18