Is God a safe
Do you try to
make the life he has for you safe?
Can one
honestly follow the Lord and still live a “safe” life…a life where you are free
from having to overcome fears, free from uncomfortable situations,or free from following an uncertain calling.
These are
questions I keep trying to push to the back of my heart and brain. I want it to be possible to live comfortable
with out the probing from the Lord to step out on the boat and walk on the
water to him. I know his arms are out
stretched. I have visions of him waiting
to take my hand as my wet feet, but dry body approach him.
I really think
we try to make God a safe God when in reality he isn’t in anyway shape or form
safe. This allows us to stay in
control. I see myself and others around
me make excuses as to why we take the easy road.
We need to look
deep into the scriptures. There we will
find a God that is anything but a God who provides comfort to his people in
this way. Don’t get me wrong. He longs to love, provide and care for, but
he also desires to use us. In doing so,
he must push us to go places we would never go on our own.
Did he bringing
forth comfort when he told Abraham he was to leave his home and follow him to
an unknown location? Yes, unknown!!
Was he playing
it safe when he told Moses to go back into the house of Pharaoh and demand that
he let the Israelites go? Safe…yeah,
Did the
disciples’ surroundings look plush when they follow Christ during his years of
ministry? I don’t think so. They didn’t have a place to lay their
head. They didn’t know where their next
meal would come. They didn’t get to take
their family with them. Call me crazy,
but I wouldn’t advise someone to live such a life, but it is the very life the
Lord called them to live.
See where I am
going? Life with God isn’t and dare I
say shouldn’t be safe. I am going to be
so bold as to proclaim that if you are living in a comfortable spot than you are
probably avoiding a calling. You may be
running from the plans he has for you.
deep. Pray hard. Listen for him as he calls you to take a step
out of the boat and walk on water.
Miracles can't be performed
unless common people wildly follow an unsafe God.